Episode 1
Turning It All Around
If you’re a woman who’s been successful in nearly every area of life but your health is still a sticking point for you, you’re in the right place.
Do you wish that you had more energy and felt better in your own skin? Are you doing everything “right” but still not seeing the results that you want? You’re in good company. If the eat-less-exercise-more model actually worked, then everything would be a lot easier, but womens’ bodies are far more complex than that.
Today I’m sharing a little of my own story and how I overcame disordered eating, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic illness. If I could change my relationship with food and my body, you can too and I’m here to support you along the way! My relationship with my body shifted in my late 30s, after finally being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder and finding joy in making myself stronger. I became fascinated with finding out how to use food as medicine and enrolled in nutrition school shortly after. It’s my mission to help you feel better in your own skin, and empower you to take control of your health while avoiding common pitfalls along the way.
You deserve to have a healthy relationship with food and to actually enjoy what you eat. Exercise should be FUN, and something that works for you in whatever stage you’re at right now. The first step is deciding that you want more for yourself.
Interested in working with Jeannie one on one? Schedule a 30-minute Coffee Talk here.
Check out the Jeannie Oliver Wellness website or connect on social:
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Music credit: Funk’d Up by Reaktor Productions
A Podcast Launch Bestie production
Hello, and welcome to episode one of the nutrition edit podcast.
Jeannie Oliver:I'm your host, Jeanie Oliver, and I'm a functional nutrition and lifestyle coach.
Jeannie Oliver:And for the last 10 years, I've been helping busy professionals dial in
Jeannie Oliver:their nutrition and fitness to cultivate healthy lifestyles that they love.
Jeannie Oliver:Are you a woman who's been successful in nearly every area of your life,
Jeannie Oliver:but you feel like your health is still a sticking point for you.
Jeannie Oliver:Do you wish that you had more energy and you felt better in your own skin,
Jeannie Oliver:so you could enjoy your life more, or maybe you feel like you're doing
Jeannie Oliver:everything right when it comes to nutrition and exercise, but you just,
Jeannie Oliver:aren't seeing the results that you want.
Jeannie Oliver:If this is you, I am.
Jeannie Oliver:So glad that you joined me today and you're not alone.
Jeannie Oliver:Many of the women who come to me are struggling with things like
Jeannie Oliver:sleep, chronic stress, gut health, hormonal issues, and excess weight.
Jeannie Oliver:And what used to work for them is no longer moving the needle.
Jeannie Oliver:So many of us have all tried the fad diets.
Jeannie Oliver:We've counted, calories, counted macros.
Jeannie Oliver:We try to eat less and exercise more.
Jeannie Oliver:But while those approaches may have worked in the short term for
Jeannie Oliver:us, the results didn't last and they certainly didn't teach us
Jeannie Oliver:how to create a healthy lifestyle.
Jeannie Oliver:That's actually sustainable long term.
Jeannie Oliver:If the eat less exercise, more approach actually worked.
Jeannie Oliver:It would make things a lot easier, but the body is not that simple.
Jeannie Oliver:And women's bodies are far more complex than men's are.
Jeannie Oliver:So we need to understand those differences and figure out what it works for us
Jeannie Oliver:as individuals, instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Jeannie Oliver:, but there's so much noise out there, right?
Jeannie Oliver:When it comes to nutrition and fitness, and it's hard to know what's actually
Jeannie Oliver:legit and what's just nonsense.
Jeannie Oliver:That's beautifully packaged up with good marketing.
Jeannie Oliver:It's really easy to get overwhelmed by all the information or get
Jeannie Oliver:discouraged after we try something and it doesn't work for us.
Jeannie Oliver:And because of all the demands on our time and energy, it's often easier
Jeannie Oliver:to give up on or put off our goals.
Jeannie Oliver:If we have no guarantee of.
Jeannie Oliver:And I totally understand this.
Jeannie Oliver:I mean, life happens and we focus on different things during
Jeannie Oliver:different chapters of our lives.
Jeannie Oliver:For example, when we're young and we're building a career, it's easy to put work
Jeannie Oliver:before our health, because we can still get away with eating like teenagers and
Jeannie Oliver:going out every night on the weekends.
Jeannie Oliver:And we kind of are trying to get ourselves established in our
Jeannie Oliver:workplace or whatever we're doing.
Jeannie Oliver:And then once we get married or start families, it's harder
Jeannie Oliver:to prioritize our health.
Jeannie Oliver:Now that we have children to keep alive and partners are
Jeannie Oliver:aging parents to care for.
Jeannie Oliver:So we put everyone else.
Jeannie Oliver:Needs first and sacrifice our workouts and our nutrition to accommodate
Jeannie Oliver:everyone else's needs and schedules.
Jeannie Oliver:But the reality of this is that nobody benefits from that in the long term.
Jeannie Oliver:If we end up losing our health, if this sounds familiar to you, I have been in
Jeannie Oliver:your shoes and I'm here to tell you that you can overcome these things and start
Jeannie Oliver:feeling great again and learn how to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
Jeannie Oliver:And.
Jeannie Oliver:Maybe you'll start feeling good again, or maybe it's actually the first time that
Jeannie Oliver:you'll start feeling good in your life.
Jeannie Oliver:And either way, it is never too late.
Jeannie Oliver:Like now is the time to start, regardless of what place that you're at or what stage
Jeannie Oliver:in your life that you're at right now.
Jeannie Oliver:And while it's never too late to start taking good care of
Jeannie Oliver:yourself, it's definitely easier to learn and maintain self care.
Jeannie Oliver:If we started an earlier age, which is true of any skill, right?
Jeannie Oliver:So younger people out there, if you're listening, just believe me.
Jeannie Oliver:When I tell you that you.
Jeannie Oliver:So glad that you did not put off learning how to care for your body
Jeannie Oliver:and prioritize your wellbeing.
Jeannie Oliver:Just start it now and know that you'll be really pleased later
Jeannie Oliver:in life that you did that.
Jeannie Oliver:you know, if any of this sounds familiar to you, you're in good company since
Jeannie Oliver:this is the first episode I wanna share with you, just a little of my
Jeannie Oliver:backstory and how I got into this.
Jeannie Oliver:Because I'm not somebody that's on her high horse who has a list of
Jeannie Oliver:degrees, but no real life experience.
Jeannie Oliver:I have been in the trenches, so to speak.
Jeannie Oliver:And I've struggled with many of the same things that you.
Jeannie Oliver:From thyroid issues to chronic pain, depression, anxiety, I've had eating
Jeannie Oliver:disorders, dealt with adult acne.
Jeannie Oliver:Well into my late thirties.
Jeannie Oliver:Um, I've been 50 pounds overweight.
Jeannie Oliver:I've struggled with insomnia.
Jeannie Oliver:You know, my own health issues have kind of run the gamut.
Jeannie Oliver:Since I was a kid, I was given antibiotics, almost nonstop from birth
Jeannie Oliver:all the way through my mid twenties.
Jeannie Oliver:And I'm still working on healing.
Jeannie Oliver:My gut as a result of that.
Jeannie Oliver:I grew up in Southern California, which is a very body conscious culture.
Jeannie Oliver:You probably know and I was a naturally thin kid, but I was still
Jeannie Oliver:always worried that I was too fat.
Jeannie Oliver:I started thinking that my thighs were too big at about age 13, and I remember
Jeannie Oliver:drinking slim fast shakes in high school instead of eating real meals.
Jeannie Oliver:Whenever I wanted to lose a few.
Jeannie Oliver:I'm horrified at that thought now because I was five foot 10, and I only
Jeannie Oliver:weighed about 125, maybe 130 pounds, but that was the culture at the time.
Jeannie Oliver:And all the women I knew were constantly dieting.
Jeannie Oliver:So the mindset was reinforced.
Jeannie Oliver:I was also an athlete.
Jeannie Oliver:I was running track and cross country, and we were pressured by our
Jeannie Oliver:coaches to stay as lean as possible.
Jeannie Oliver:and, you know, again, looking back, it's just kind of crazy to me because
Jeannie Oliver:we were all pretty, pretty lean, healthy kids, and there was no reason
Jeannie Oliver:that we should have been focused on.
Jeannie Oliver:Or weight at the time, it was also the age of fat free, everything.
Jeannie Oliver:Many of you will remember this nonsense and I was trying to be a
Jeannie Oliver:vegetarian, but I had absolutely no clue how to do that in a healthful way.
Jeannie Oliver:So it meant that I was eating mostly processed carbohydrates, and I
Jeannie Oliver:was what I now refer to as a star.
Jeannie Oliver:I shedder at the thought of all the like snack Wells and plain
Jeannie Oliver:bagels and bowls of fat, free pasta and fat free candy that I ate.
Jeannie Oliver:But, you know, during that time, that was what we were told was healthy.
Jeannie Oliver:And I did not know any better.
Jeannie Oliver:So.
Jeannie Oliver:Fast forward to my early twenties and I had put on about 50 pounds.
Jeannie Oliver:I was also regularly binging and purging.
Jeannie Oliver:I was struggling with depression and insomnia and had a few of mysterious
Jeannie Oliver:health issues going on that no one seemed hands have answers for me
Jeannie Oliver:about, um, thankfully I did find a naturopathic doctor who diagnosed
Jeannie Oliver:me with a thyroid disorder and as soon as I started treatment for
Jeannie Oliver:that, I started to feel better.
Jeannie Oliver:Shortly after I did an intensive outpatient treatment program
Jeannie Oliver:for my eating disorder.
Jeannie Oliver:And that was, I'm so grateful that I actually had access and was able
Jeannie Oliver:to do that because everything did gradually start improving, but I still
Jeannie Oliver:had a pretty negative body image.
Jeannie Oliver:Um, I still was struggling with acne at that point.
Jeannie Oliver:I had trouble sleeping and I just generally didn't feel that great.
Jeannie Oliver:It wasn't until probably my late thirties.
Jeannie Oliver:after trying all the fad diets at quick fixes without success.
Jeannie Oliver:When I finally hit a breaking point, I remember standing in front of the mirror
Jeannie Oliver:in my room and asking myself how much more of your life genie are you gonna waste
Jeannie Oliver:feeling like crap and hating your body.
Jeannie Oliver:And I had already spent good two decades, wishing I was Thinni prettier.
Jeannie Oliver:You name it.
Jeannie Oliver:And it was exhausting.
Jeannie Oliver:I decided in that moment that I was sick of feeling disappointed in myself
Jeannie Oliver:and that I was no longer willing to postpone my happiness until I reached
Jeannie Oliver:a certain weight or a certain size.
Jeannie Oliver:I just wanted to feel good in my own skin for once and start enjoying my.
Jeannie Oliver:I still wasn't sleeping.
Jeannie Oliver:Great.
Jeannie Oliver:And during one of my sleepless nights, I saw an infomercial for a
Jeannie Oliver:fitness program that looked like fun.
Jeannie Oliver:So I actually bought it and committed to doing the entire 90 days and other
Jeannie Oliver:than running track and cross country, when I was in high school, I had never
Jeannie Oliver:stuck with working out consistently for more than a few days at a time.
Jeannie Oliver:So it was a really big deal for.
Jeannie Oliver:And after a few weeks of doing this, my energy and mood had improved a lot.
Jeannie Oliver:And I started sleeping better, which was really huge for me
Jeannie Oliver:for the first time in my life.
Jeannie Oliver:I started feeling strong and my relationship with my body shifted it,
Jeannie Oliver:it changed from not only worrying about losing weight, to wanting to get stronger.
Jeannie Oliver:And I actually started appreciating what my body could do.
Jeannie Oliver:It felt really empowering to.
Jeannie Oliver:Just embrace, like feeling strong and seeing what my body could
Jeannie Oliver:do for me instead of just being focused on, you know, all the
Jeannie Oliver:imperfections and my looks only.
Jeannie Oliver:And, you know, I did lose some body fat with that workout
Jeannie Oliver:program, but it wasn't my focus.
Jeannie Oliver:Instead of counting calories, I started eating to fuel my workouts
Jeannie Oliver:and build muscle and the fat loss just ended up being a side benefit.
Jeannie Oliver:Um, the more that I continued to learn, how to personalize my diet and workouts,
Jeannie Oliver:the better I felt and the more healthy and kind my relationship with my body.
Jeannie Oliver:and I really became fascinated by nutrition and the idea
Jeannie Oliver:of using food as medicine.
Jeannie Oliver:So a year or so later, I enrolled in nutrition school
Jeannie Oliver:and I have never looked back.
Jeannie Oliver:I absolutely love what I do.
Jeannie Oliver:I feel really lucky and I am someone who loves to nerd out on information.
Jeannie Oliver:And thankfully nutrition is something that's constantly changing.
Jeannie Oliver:There's always new information out there.
Jeannie Oliver:So it's nearly impossible to get bored.
Jeannie Oliver:There's always something new to learn.
Jeannie Oliver:You know, I also am really determined to take all of those challenges that I
Jeannie Oliver:had in my life and turn them around into something that's good and beneficial.
Jeannie Oliver:And I wanna use my experiences and my knowledge to help make your life easier.
Jeannie Oliver:My goal here is to help you avoid the mistakes that I made, learn how
Jeannie Oliver:to use food as medicine and start learning how to honor your body.
Jeannie Oliver:And, you know, I share this journey with you because I want you to know that
Jeannie Oliver:if I can overcome all the challenges that I have had, you can too, and
Jeannie Oliver:know you don't have to feel crappy just because you're getting older.
Jeannie Oliver:I'm in my forties now.
Jeannie Oliver:And I feel, and look better in many ways than I did in my twenties and thirties.
Jeannie Oliver:And I can't tell you how often I hear clients say.
Jeannie Oliver:After, you know, working with me for a little while and making some changes to
Jeannie Oliver:their food and their fitness that they had forgotten what it was like to feel good.
Jeannie Oliver:And honestly, people like you deserve to have a healthy relationship with food.
Jeannie Oliver:You deserve to actually enjoy what you eat and.
Jeannie Oliver:Stop moralizing.
Jeannie Oliver:You know, I was good.
Jeannie Oliver:I was bad.
Jeannie Oliver:All of that nonsense, you know, feeling deprived all the time or eating, you
Jeannie Oliver:know, bland rabbit food that, that you don't enjoy at every meal, you can have
Jeannie Oliver:more energy in your thirties, forties, or fifties than you did in your twenties.
Jeannie Oliver:And you can sleep well at.
Jeannie Oliver:Feel more productive and focused during the day.
Jeannie Oliver:And you may even find that you feel a lot less stressed once you replace the foods
Jeannie Oliver:that are stressing your body out with the ones that nourish and nurture you.
Jeannie Oliver:And when it comes to movement and exercise, this should be fun.
Jeannie Oliver:A hundred percent.
Jeannie Oliver:You should be having fun with exercise, getting more in tune with your body
Jeannie Oliver:and learning what works best for you in whatever stage you're at right now.
Jeannie Oliver:It's really about finding something that you enjoy and that gives you
Jeannie Oliver:joy and that you wanna stick with.
Jeannie Oliver:And that works for you.
Jeannie Oliver:It's not about forcing yourself to do what you think should be doing.
Jeannie Oliver:So many people tell me, oh, I, I should start running.
Jeannie Oliver:I really feel like I should run, but they hate running.
Jeannie Oliver:Like, don't do that.
Jeannie Oliver:Don't force yourself to do something that you hate.
Jeannie Oliver:You'll just create a negative relationship with exercise and
Jeannie Oliver:you're not gonna wanna do it.
Jeannie Oliver:So, but the first step that we have to take is really deciding
Jeannie Oliver:that you want something more for.
Jeannie Oliver:You have to get to the point that you decide that your wellbeing is worth making
Jeannie Oliver:some changes and be willing to unlearn all the bullshit, the society and the media
Jeannie Oliver:and whatever those voices in your head.
Jeannie Oliver:All those things that they've ground into your head all these years.
Jeannie Oliver:It does take some work to unlearn that for sure.
Jeannie Oliver:But you have to make the decision that, you know what it's worth it to
Jeannie Oliver:me, it's worth it to put some effort in to make the change, change the
Jeannie Oliver:narrative and start really caring for myself and honoring my body.
Jeannie Oliver:My mission as a coach.
Jeannie Oliver:And my goal for this podcast is to empower you by giving you the practical
Jeannie Oliver:guidance, the tools, and the support that you need to better understand your body,
Jeannie Oliver:learn how to advocate for your health and start feeling like your best self.
Jeannie Oliver:I have some really great guests line up for you this season, and we're gonna
Jeannie Oliver:talk about mindset, emotional healing, um, we'll touch on health trends and.
Jeannie Oliver:Fads, things like that.
Jeannie Oliver:We'll talk about metabolic health and even funk you're gonna learn some
Jeannie Oliver:practical and surprising sometimes even quick ways to improve your physical and
Jeannie Oliver:mental health and your overall wellbeing.
Jeannie Oliver:So be sure to subscribe.
Jeannie Oliver:So you don't miss anything anyway, that is all I've got for you today, but we have
Jeannie Oliver:so much fun coming up this season, and I'm super excited to have you with me.
Jeannie Oliver:So thanks for joining me today.
Jeannie Oliver:And if you enjoyed the show, please take a second to leave me a review and share
Jeannie Oliver:it with anyone else who might enjoy it.
Jeannie Oliver:All right.